Scary Furnace Sounds to Watch Out for This Halloween! - Ballard Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning

Scary Furnace Sounds to Watch Out for This Halloween!

furnace noises

Your home should be a cozy refuge from the spooky season outside. But what if real frights come from inside the house?

Before you call the Ghostbusters, let’s consider what those spooky sounds might mean for your heating system.

Things that go bump in the night

Your furnace is a complex piece of machinery, and like any hard-working appliance, it can develop quirks over time. Some of these quirks make themselves known through various sounds. Let’s break down what you might hear and what it could mean:


If you hear a hissing noise, especially when your furnace isn’t running, it’s a cause for concern. This sound could indicate a leaky gas line or an internal valve issue. These problems can be serious and shouldn’t be ignored. If you hear this type of noise, it’s best to call a professional right away to inspect your furnace.


It’s normal to hear a little clicking when your furnace starts up or shuts down. However, noticing frequent or constant clicking, especially when the furnace is running, could indicate electrical control issues. A problem with the thermostat or a defective relay might cause this. If you hear excessive clicking, it’s advisable to have a professional inspect your furnace.

Banging, thumping, and rattling

These sounds usually mean something’s loose in the motor or blower. If the banging gets louder, your furnace is saying, “Uh-oh, something just broke off.” It’s time to call in the pros before your furnace starts its rock band.

Humming or vibrating

A gentle hum is normal, but if your furnace sounds like it’s trying to impersonate a washing machine, you might have loose parts or an out-of-balance motor. The louder it gets, the more urgent the problem.


Buzzing could mean a number of things are wrong. It could be loose parts, debris, a loose fan motor, a clogged air filter, or refrigerant leak in heat pump systems.

Squealing or screeching

If your furnace sounds like it’s auditioning for a horror movie soundtrack, it might have a failing component. This could be motor issues, bearing problems, or a bad belt. Check it out before that belt snaps and leaves you cold.


A grinding noise could mean the blower wheel is failing. As it starts to fail, it can cause this ominous sound. Ignoring this could lead to more extensive (and expensive) damage.

When to call in the cavalry

If your normally quiet furnace suddenly starts making unusual noises, it’s time to call a professional. Waiting too long could cause more damage to your system, which translates to higher repair costs.

When you’re looking for help, you want someone you can trust – look no further than Ballard!

An ounce of prevention

Remember, regular maintenance is the best way to avoid these spooky sounds. A good maintenance plan can:

  • Decrease your utility bills by keeping your system running efficiently
  • Reduce the number of repairs by catching minor issues before they become big problems
  • Help prevent catastrophic failures
  • Increase the lifespan of your equipment
  • Ensure safer operation of your furnace

Regular maintenance isn’t just about saving money—it’s about peace of mind. A well-maintained furnace is less likely to spring scary surprises on you in the middle of a cold night.

So, the next time your furnace makes a noise that raises the hair on the back of your neck, don’t panic. Take a deep breath, refer to this guide, and contact Ballard if you need help! Or call us at 909-297-1914.

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