The Dirty Truth About Your AC Filter: What's Really Lurking in There? - Ballard Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning

The Dirty Truth About Your AC Filter: What’s Really Lurking in There?

dirty ac filter

Ever wonder why your AC technician is always harping on about changing your air filter? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to take a deep dive into the grimy world of dirty AC filters.

Trust us, by the end of this, you’ll be racing to check yours!

What exactly is your AC filter catching?

Your AC filter is like a bouncer for your home’s air. It’s job? To catch all the nasty stuff trying to crash the party in your air ducts. But what exactly is it catching? Let’s break it down:

Dust and dirt: This is the most obvious culprit. Every time you open a door or window, you’re inviting a whole bunch of microscopic particles into your home. Your filter catches a lot of this stuff before it can circulate through your AC system and back into your living spaces.

Pet dander and hair: If you’ve got furry friends, your filter is working overtime. All that pet hair and dander that you see on your furniture? Yep, there’s plenty more floating around in the air, and your filter is catching it.

Pollen and other allergens: For allergy sufferers, the AC filter is a real hero. It traps pollen, mold spores, and other allergens that can make you miserable. So if you’ve been sneezing less since you turned on the AC, you can thank your filter for that!

Bacteria and viruses: While your standard AC filter isn’t a replacement for whole-home air purification, it does catch some airborne bacteria and viruses. It’s like a first line of defense for your indoor air quality.

How do filters get so dirty, so fast?

Now that we know what’s getting caught, let’s talk about how it all adds up so quickly:

Constant air circulation: Your AC system is constantly pulling air through the filter when it’s running. That means it’s always on the job, catching particles 24/7. It’s like a non-stop game of catch, with your filter always on the receiving end.

Outdoor air quality: Live in a city or near a construction site? Your filter is probably working extra hard. Poor outdoor air quality means more particles for your filter to catch.

Household activities: Cooking, cleaning, and even just walking around can stir up particles in your home. All that activity means more work for your filter.

Why you should care about a clean filter

So why does all this matter? Well, a clean filter isn’t just about cleaner air (though that’s a big plus). It also helps your AC system run more efficiently. When your filter is clogged, your system has to work harder to push air through, which can lead to higher energy bills and even system breakdowns.

Time for a filter check?

If reading this has made you realize it’s been a while since you’ve checked your AC filter, don’t worry – you’re not alone! But now’s the perfect time to take action. A clean filter means cleaner air, a more efficient AC system, and potentially lower energy bills.

Need help or have more questions about your system?

That’s where we come in! Our team of expert technicians can help you with all your AC needs, from filter changes to full system maintenance. Don’t let a dirty filter drag down your system’s performance.

Contact Ballard online for the best service in San Bernardino, or call us at 909-297-1914.

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